How to Access Topic Centers


How to Access Topic Centers

There are currently several different ways to view Topic Centers on Learn360, please see below for more details on how to access them.



1. From the homepage, you will find a new "Topic Centers" icon that is located with all of our other icons.  This icon will live next to the Video icon as seen below. 




2. If you click on the hamburger menu (3 horizontal lines on the top left), you will find the Topic Centers link under the "Browse" column.




3.  The top slider displayed is now a Topic Centers slider.  These sliders can be reordered through the admin portal and may change each month. You can scroll through the same way you do for the other sliders or you can click on "View All" to be brought to the Topic Center landing page.





4. If you perform a basic search and there is a Topic Center that relates to that term or phrase, you will see a Topic Centers icon under "Search Results." Clicking on this icon will display all related Topic Centers.




5. On the Advanced Search Page, you can filter by Topic Centers under "Asset Type."



Video Page

6. If the content that you're viewing is part of a Topic Center(s) you can find a link to that Topic Center under the "Details" section. 


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